Are Stress And Anxiety Controlling The Way You Live?


Do you feel antsy, irritable, or on edge? Are you experiencing physical signs of anxiety, such as a racing heart, digestive issues, or trouble sleeping or relaxing? Perhaps you struggle with panic attacks that make it difficult for you to engage in social activities or function well at work. Maybe you focus on trying to control your relationships or physical environment because everything else is so chaotic. Or it could simply be that you feel like something inside you is off balance or out of sync and you would like help getting back on track.


For people with anxiety, even ordinary tasks can seem like impossible challenges. Functioning at work, engaging with friends, and taking care of your children become more difficult as feelings of fear and uncertainty become overwhelming. And though you’ve tried to stop the cycle of negative, worrying thoughts, it can be incredibly difficult to step off the hamster wheel alone. As a result, you may pass on promotions at work, doubt your ability to be a good mother, and even question your worth as a human being. You might have trouble asserting yourself or making important decisions. And you may second-guess your words or obsess over your mistakes.

Symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks can infiltrate nearly every aspect of your day to day, slowly eroding your quality of life. Fortunately, working with a skilled and compassionate anxiety therapist can help you regain a sense of normalcy and control in your life. With a little time and effort, you can feel calmer, more grounded, and more secure with who you are and the world you live in.

Anxiety Is A World Health Concern

Although it may feel as though you are alone, there are over 40 million adults who know what you are going through. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 18.1 percent of all US adults have experienced some form of anxiety, making it the number one mental health concern in the country. Phobias, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, and depression—all are potentially crippling conditions that are directly linked to anxiety. Moreover, women are twice as likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder compared to men. Unfortunately, only 36.9 percent of people who suffer from anxiety ever seek treatment for it.


Our highly competitive, do-it-all-on-your-own culture does little to help. We are bombarded by romanticized social media posts and imagery that can easily feed an internal sense of inadequacy. News and politics fuel an unhealthy level of fear, hatred, and uncertainty in the world. And the relationships we see in the movies change what we think real, healthy connections look like. The result is that we are left feeling like we have failed at being successful and self-sufficient, or wondering if we’re even worthy of love.

The truth is that we all go through times when we feel lost. But that doesn’t mean you have to find your path alone. Working with an anxiety counselor can give you the tools, knowledge, and support to make your life and emotions more manageable.

Finding Relief Through Anxiety Therapy

Therapy is a place where you can express yourself freely and really give yourself permission to be okay with who you are and the challenges you face. Many of my clients struggle with the issue of control in their lives, which can be tricky because so much in our world is beyond our control. Therefore, one of my primary goals is to help you understand the difference between trying to control your environment and having authority over it. By focusing on the factors that you can influence or manage, you can step off the hamster wheel of negative thoughts and worries and begin living consciously.

I always tailor my treatment to the individual, which is why I typically begin our work together with a general intake session. During our initial meeting, we’ll explore your personal background, family relationships, and medical history. I’ll also ask about the nature of your anxiety, how it is affecting you, and any goals you have for yourself or anxiety counseling.


Our early sessions will focus largely on symptom management and developing healthy coping mechanisms so that, first and foremost, you can feel safe and secure talking about your pain. Then, as we progress at a pace that is comfortable for you, we can dig a little deeper to identify the source of anxiety for more in-depth healing. And throughout our work together, I will act as a sort of guide—a coach who can help you identify and build upon the intrinsic strengths of your character.

Anxiety causes us to constantly replay the past and worry about the future, so one of my goals is to help you step out of the negative feedback loop and ground yourself in the moment. To that end, we’ll do mindfulness exercises to calm invasive thoughts and increase your resilience to distress. I am also a certified EMDR therapist, which gives me the unique ability to relieve more entrenched anxiety issues. EMDR allows us to get to the heart of the issue faster because it bypasses the part of the brain that tries to block memories. EMDR is also great for challenging and transforming negative ideas or self-perceptions into positive, self-confirming beliefs.

Although anxiety can be a limitation, it can also be harnessed and used to improve your life. You have already come this far and you know inside that you have the power to change. It’s just that sometimes we all need some support and guidance. With a little work and trust in yourself, you can transform stress and fear into an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement that will benefit you indefinitely.

You may be considering anxiety therapy but still have some questions or concerns…

How long will this take?

That is completely dependent upon the individual, the level of healing they seek, as well as the commitment they are willing to make to the therapeutic process. In cases where the anxiety is more ingrained, such as trauma-related anxiety, an individual may need more time to fully process and work through the full range of emotions. However, regardless of the situation, my clients are ultimately in control of how long our relationship lasts.

I’m worried that anxiety treatment will make me feel worse.


Therapy is about making you feel more empowered by giving you the ability to assert authority over your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. Although, we may uncover hidden aspects of your personality or history, we will always work at a pace that is comfortable for you. My primary concern is to create an environment of safety and trust so that you can feel at ease exploring anxiety. With the skills and awareness you can gain from therapy, you can loosen anxiety’s grip and free yourself to live with greater confidence and peace.

Why can’t I overcome anxiety on my own?

For many people living with anxiety, every day is spent in crisis mode. Unfortunately, human beings are notoriously bad at making healthy decisions when we are in crisis. But working with a therapist provides clarity and an understanding of your anxiety that can limit its influence over you. Everyone occasionally needs a helping hand. Let me help you navigate these troubled waters so you can concentrate on your career, relationships, and personal ambitions without restriction.

You Don’t Have To Let Anxiety Control Your Life

If you would like to feel more relaxed and confident in your life, I would be honored to help. Please call 951-403-1495 to set up your free 15-minute consultation to see how anxiety therapy could help you.

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