What is OCD and How to Deal With It

What is OCD and How to Deal With It

It should come as no surprise that a condition called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. The key word is “cycle.” Each of us, from time to time, has obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. They can be unpleasant and feel intrusive. But, with OCD, they are disruptive. The obsessions and compulsions are extreme enough to hamper daily functioning.

What are the Differences Between an HSP and an Empath?

What are the Differences Between an HSP and an Empath?

All of us have moods, temperaments, and personalities. Each of these is subject to change — although making personality changes is a large undertaking. Beneath these individual trends lies something more fundamental. People may use words like “soul” or “heart” to describe it. It’s sort of an internal compass that shapes your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.

How To Deal With Grief When You Are Consumed By It

How To Deal With Grief When You Are Consumed By It

Everyone goes through grief. It’s a painful yet inevitable part of life. Despite this universality, very few of us are prepared. Our culture doesn’t talk much about grief and we live our lives vulnerable to how much it can change us (see next section). But there’s good news. It’s never too late to put in the work to understand and address your grief.

How to Rebuild Trust in a Christian Marriage

How to Rebuild Trust in a Christian Marriage

Trust is a powerful foundation for any marriage. Without it, you can never feel true safety with one another. When trust is broken, rebuilding it is one of the biggest challenges any couple will ever face. Of course, each couple brings with them a unique set of characteristics and circumstances. For example, when two Christians get married, they may view their connection in some very specific ways.

What is Relationship Trauma and How Can You Heal From it?

What is Relationship Trauma and How Can You Heal From it?

You have almost certainly heard of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Thanks to Hollywood and news headlines, we usually associate PTSD with war zones and natural disasters. However, different forms of PTSD exist and they can be caused by a very wide range of events. Take, for example, Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome (PTRS).

How Can Therapy Help a Highly Sensitive Person?

How Can Therapy Help a Highly Sensitive Person?

Obviously, “sensitive” is often in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has times when they feel more susceptible to the temperature, noise, textures, and general vibrations in their environment. This is frustrating but normal. Almost always, it passes rather quickly. However, the existence of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is also a psychological concept.

Healing From Trauma Caused By Past Relationships

Healing From Trauma Caused By Past Relationships

It’s quite normal to need an adjustment period after a relationship ends. The passage of time along with some healthy support from friends and family might do the job. However, there are instances when a past relationship can weigh you down with toxic baggage. In fact, it can result in a version of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).